Vayur anilam amritam; Athedam bhasmantam shriram
Let this temporary body be burned to ashes. But the breath of life belongs elsewhere. May it find its way back to the Immortal Breath.
Satyam vada. Asatyam mavada
Speak the truth, never speak the untruth.
Satyam bruyat priyam, na bruyat satyam apriyam
Speak the truth in a pleasing manner, but never speak that truth which is unpleasant to others.
Let this temporary body be burned to ashes. But the breath of life belongs elsewhere. May it find its way back to the Immortal Breath.
Satyam vada. Asatyam mavada
Speak the truth, never speak the untruth.
Satyam bruyat priyam, na bruyat satyam apriyam
Speak the truth in a pleasing manner, but never speak that truth which is unpleasant to others.